Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Sorted Lives of AK Slaughter

In an attempt to try something new I have started trying to do a little more story telling with my shoots. So when I got the chance to shoot with the rap duo AK Slaughter and they told me they were up for anything I figured I should take advantage of this little situation (Thanks to The Jersey Shore I can't say the word "situation" without thinking of THE Situation). 

After talking a little I found out two things:
1.  Aran was into a sort of retro kick with his wardrobe. 
2.  Emily and Aran are constantly getting asked if they are a couple, which they are not. 

So I figured let's shoot them as a retro couple! When Aran showed up to the shoot first I told him my plan. He liked the idea, but had me look at their previous album AK Slaughter a personal matter. For their album art they had done a sort of 50/60s theme of a couple apparently in love.

This gave me an even better idea though...shoot them as a 70s couple with all kinds of dysfunction. A couple where Emily is still madly in love and trying to win Aran's heart. Unfortunately, Aran is a jerk to say the least and Emily's advances are ignored at best and despised at worst. 

A lovely story right? 

Well, perhaps depressing, but thanks to some great acting by both Emily and Aran it was hilarious. They really nailed the emotions I wanted and my retro decorated house worked as a perfect set for their disharmony. 

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness...those pictures are wonderful! Your house is perfect for the 50's-60's theme and it looks so...well, CLEAN!
    I laughed out loud which is different from lol...dad says to tell you he loves the pix too
