Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Project Coffee; Red Emma's

Part four of Project Coffee (I still need to put up part one, for anyone who is counting) was most excellent! Met up with partner in coffee crime Sean Scheidt at Red Emma's a place on St. Paul in the Mount Vernon neighborhood. It's actually an archaist group owned collective, and although I asked I won't even pretend to try to explain how that works. 

Sean and I both got a chai latte which tasted faintly of some sort of spice cookie my mom used to make a lot. Whatever it was, it was good. 

The great food and drink was hardly the best part of the place though, the atmosphere put it all to shame. I don't know if we went there on a good day or what, but it was one of those places I imagined used to exist before "The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry." (Anyone know what that quote is from? huh huh huh??)

It was one of those places where everyone was sort of in on the conversation. You heard a lot of, "I couldn't help, but overhear what you said." Which was code for let us partake in discussion. Not exactly what happens in Starbucks where the only discussion usually seems to be could you please move, shut up, or stop doing that. 

Not exactly sure what anarchists got going down, but it seemed like good stuff. There was a chess game going on between and old white dude and a young black dude behind us. We got to watch Bohemian Rhapsody done by the Muppets on the cashiers computer while listening to it over the cafe's speakers. And our server who's name was Sine ended up being a really cool girl who is two bands, Mr. Moccasin and has just started a solo project called Bean, which I took a listen of and is really good. She's the one below with the mustache tattoo on her finger. You got to respect a tattoo that is only for comedic purposes.                          

Sean and I agreed Red Emma's was by far the best place we'd hit up so far. But, really how can you go wrong with a place that stands behind a Stolen Sharpie Revolution? You can't! That's how. 

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