Friday, March 5, 2010

Project Coffee

I have begun a new tradition in the life of Daniel, in an attempt to BmoreBedell. This is the tradition of man dates. Fellow photographer Sean Scheidt  and I decided to meet up last week at a cafe to talk shop, gossip and try to figure out the best way to take the photo world by storm.

It went so well that I thought to myself, "Daniel BmoreBedell, you should make this into a tradition." Brilliant idea number one. Then, wait for it....wait for it...brilliant idea number TWO, we should meet up once a week at a different cafe around Baltimore. The city has a ton of cafes so what a great way to get to know the city a little better and for me figure out the difference between bad caffeinated concoctions and good ones. 

I know I'm a late bloomer. I really have no idea what is good or bad. I still feel the need to ask for clarification on what is the difference between coffee, mocha, chai, latte, and whatever else there is, coffee snobs please forgive me my ignorance. 

First up on Project Coffee was the Patterson Perk. Located on the SW corner of Patterson Park on 2501 Eastern Ave. The barista recommended the vanilla mocha, which I got to admit was quite good. Which is saying something from someone who 99% of the time goes with the edgy choice of hot chocolate. I decided to up my game to coffee though after one too many times ordering the same thing as a 4 year old in line with me. 

The Perk is a cute little place. Yikes, I just used the word be it, it fits. Not much room, but quaint. (Why did the Mushroom go to the party? He's a fungi! Why did he leave? There wasn't mushroom. Why is this one of the jokes I can always remember? Reference the end of this paragraph.)Topics of the day were photo shoots gone horrible wrong, investing in plastics, lack of rich benefactors and women/or the lack thereof. I feel the latter will be a pretty consistent theme considering both of us are single for now. 

In the tradition of eco friendly camping I took only pictures and left only an ass groove. 
Patterson Perk grand entrance. 

Shinny object

Vanilla Mocha with a shot of fire extinguishing agent. It's the best!

Ass Groove

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