Thursday, June 17, 2010


Hon Fest 2010. What makes Baltimore great...ish.

My friend Katie pointed out to me the fact that they weren't claiming to be the world's greatest crabcakes. No, Baltimoreans are comfortable with there limitations, world's greatest CONCESSION crabcakes is good enough. Much as I claim to be the World's Greatest Curly Haired Miler From Baltimore Who Takes Pictures At Hon Fest. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Was coming back from Florida and walking out of the airport when I saw one of my pictures!

Snake Pit

Everyday I walk around and see people I would love to take pictures of. Most times it doesn't happen. Sometimes I don't feel like asking, sometimes I ask and get shutdown, sometimes I ask and they seem like they like the idea but never get back to me.  Every once in a while though everything comes together.

I saw Danny at the Ottobar at a Madonna vs. Gaga. vs. Brittany dance party. It was people watching at it's best and Danny was one of the most fun to watch. I decided his name should be Snake Pit. I managed to talk to him quickly before I left and give him my card and tell him I'd love to shoot with him sometime. To my surprise the very next morning I got a call...from Snake Pit!

Snake Pit turned out to be Danny, and Danny turned out to be super nice. He's in school studying journalism after doing 4 years in the Navy. Not exactly the back story I had made up for him, but that's what's great about taking pictures of people, you get all kinds of surprises.

Danny and I shot in several locations and were able to get some images I really like.


It has been a while since the last blog post. But, I have good reasons all 11 followers of mine! First I had my sisters graduation in Florida. Then I got sick down there and since have been trying to heal myself. It's been over a week though and still not ALL better. Soooo lame. Memorial Day though I just couldn't take it anymore and got some friends together and went climbing. Here are some pictures I took there. Sorry Alina I think you stopped climbing before I started taking pictures! And sorry to all 11 of you who were hoping upon hope to see pictures of me. I'm not that multi skilled with the self portrait yet. And now I present to you Baltimore's finest: Ben, Carl and Katie.